Sunday, November 27, 2011

Choo Choo!

Henry had fun playing (eating) trains for the first time yesterday. I think there may be a lot of track building in his future.

Poor kiddo is cutting his top two front teeth. They have just barely broken down through his gums. Little man has been a little fussier than usual, full of drool and extra excited to put anything in his mouth. Soon he'll be able to use his top and bottom chompers to eat more exciting food.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Pillow Pal Henry

This weekend Henry was a sweet little angel at Grandma Helen's funeral. He loved being all warm and fuzzy in his polar fleece snow suit. A cousin visiting from out of state said she thought Henry was just really photogenic. Then she met him and discovered he really is THAT cute. :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Cough Cough

Poor little Henry woke up wheezing and coughing Monday morning, so we ended up at the doctor. Little man has croup! It was just about the saddest thing to see him wheezing and coughing. Luckily the wheezing hasn't been too bad and the coughing is worst first thing in the morning.

He has been feeling well enough to get back to pulling himself to a standing position. He REALLY likes standing. Unfortunately, he thinks he can walk! He will turn from a standing position like he's going to stroll away and just fall right over. The falling over doesn't seem to bother the little guy. He just pulls himself back to a standing and does it again!

Henry has started to "cruise" a bit (holding on to your fingers and taking steps). Not too much, but it's still pretty new for him.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mr. Big Stuff

Henry is pulling himself to a standing position more. And today he started kneeling (against furniture). It's cute to see him crawl to the window and then peer outside. He continues to be very interested in all that goes on around him.

It looks like separation anxiety has started. Henry will cry when he can't immediately see me. He's ok as long as I'm in eye sight.

He's been very serious this week. Henry will remain very focused on an object of interest (ie vacuum) and stare at it, almost as if he is trying to will it to come his way! It's interesting to see this new intensity developing.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Silly Boy

Amazed with reading!

Cool Henry. The one and only time he tolerated wearing sunglasses.

Ran across this picture of sweet sleeping Henry, just 4 weeks old.

Hammimg it up, wearing a tiny bat hat.

Little dinosaur!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day at the Park

Henry has hit a growth spurt. Last week he weighed 18 lbs 3 oz. (I think he was around 16.5 at his 6 month well baby check up in late August.) He has a few items of size 9 month clothing that he can still wear but I have switched out most for size 12 month clothes. It is amazing to see how quickly he changes and grows.

Thankfully Henry will wear little leather moccasins since the weather has cooled down. He still enjoys the park and likes to watch the other kids. He was excited to move around on the ground at the park because there were leaves everywhere and he thinks they are delicious snacks...much like everything else in his world. Henry liked watching leaves "rain" down on us from the trees.

This funny face is a new regular for Hen. If I pull the camera out after meal time he scrunches his nose up and makes one eye smaller than the other, almost like he's winking, and GIGGLES. I'm not sure what started it, but it's part of his new little funny guy routine. It is awesome to see his happy and gregarious personality developing.