Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween

Henry takes his duckie duties very seriously.

Quack quack, waddle waddle!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Busy Little Boy

Henry ate some small pieces of banana (all over his face in this picture) this week and was super happy about his new food adventure. He's been enjoying baby puffs (like cereal, but not sweetened with sugar) and he even tried some quinoa. So far he hasn't met a food he didn't love.

I may have overshot when I decided Henry wouldn't be afraid of the vacuum... this kid CHASES me around the house when I vacuum! He makes the cutest little grunts and squeaking sounds trying to catch me.

Henry pulled himself up to a standing position for the first time yesterday when he saw the cat sitting on the couch. He let out a proud and happy giggle at his own accomplishment. :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

No One Tell Him Prunes Aren't Candy

This week Henry's second tooth broke through! By Halloween his two front bottom teeth may be visible. Henry lifts his arms into the air when he wants to be picked up and his hair is getting a little thicker. He continues to get into the crawling position, rock back and forth, take one knee forward as if to crawl, then throws himself down and drags himself across the floor. Wow, is he quick! If you try to set Henry down into a sitting position he will flex/straighten his legs and sometimes give a cute little giggle.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Henry continues to enjoy food. He is especially thrilled when he is able to hold and chew a spoon!

He seems to have perfected the army crawl. This kid has extraordinary upper body strength! Today he has been practicing moving from crawling position (where he rocks back and forth) to sitting on his bottom. And back and forth, again!

Bouncy balls have been a lot of fun to play with this week, too. He thinks they are pretty funny and laughs and giggles at them. They are proving a good distraction from what feels like an army of teeth as he tries to chew on my shoulder and anything he can get in his mouth. Poor kiddo!

When Henry wants to be picked up he lifts his arms in the air. Henry has a lot to say and likes to have long conversations. He is a very expressive boy!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mustache Teething Toy

Henry has been chewing anything he can get his hands on. I'm not sure if it is the same tooth coming through or new teeth, just glad the extra drool and chewing hasn't dampened his cheerful disposition.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Crazy About Peas

Chomp Chomp

I'm grateful Henry doesn't mind wearing hats, since the weather has begun to cool down.

Henry has been a trooper through the arrival of his first tooth. It's easier to see the tooth if you're looking for it, but not quite noticeable in photographs. Friends with young children suggested the Sophie Giraffe teething toy and it has been a lifesaver.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Not Tired

This morning Henry had fun inspecting and trying to eat a ribbon sewn onto a diaper cloth.

Two minutes later he fell asleep on his own with his talking puppy. Poor kiddo, growing up is exhausting!

Last night Henry wore his first size 12 months pajamas. Henry just starting wearing 9 months clothes! He seems to be growing at an astonishing pace, particularly during the last week. When we saw his cousin Bubbie this week (who is five) she exclaimed, "Oh Maddie! His head had gotten bigger!" :-)

Henry is getting really quick with his army crawl and is getting around really easily now. He is spending a lot of time on all fours rocking back and forth. I expect he'll explode into the the traditional crawl at any moment.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Talkative Eater

This video is of Henry noisily eating a teething biscuit after dinner. When Henry was a new eater he would yell, holler, squeal and groan with joy the whole time he was eating. It's pretty cute.

What Biscuit?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

This Week

Henry has had big week, his first tooth (front bottom left) broke through and it looks like more are on the way. He has been making funny faces with his tongue hanging out, trying to feel his tooth and chewing on his index finger.

Henry had his first stomach flu. (Sad!) Luckily, it did not last long and Henry was fine with some extra cuddling and lots of holding.

Henry is getting really good at sitting unsupported and can squirm/army crawl wherever he wants to go. He pops up and down on to his knees and hands but has not figured out the traditional crawl. Very soon, he will be into everything!

Henry makes happy little grunts and squeaks as he crawls around and loves crawling toward Max. He is anxious to get close to the cats but they are quick enough to avoid Henry's sticky little baby hands.


Henry crawls toward his toys. :-)